Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Love Day!

My Valentines Day was so much better that I expected. Greg bought flowers for a girl for the first time in his life. He also wrote me the most amazing poem I could ever ask for!

After class I cooked him breakfast which was delicious. My roommate Sam decorated the table and kitchen for me while Greg and I were in class. It was perfect.
A couple hours later there was a knock on my door and I got a rose from my dad.
Then last night was girls night! Greg had to work, so I had a valentines party with my roommates. We had dinner together, went to the temple, and then watched a chick flick!
All in all, I think it was a great Valentines and I am glad I got to spend it with all the people I wanted to!
Sam's amazing decorations!!

Our delicious french toast! It was so good!

My beautiful flowers from my amazing man!

My beautiful rose from my Dad! I have the best Dad in the world!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

When Chelsie and I are in charge...

(Pretending to be monkeys)

Last night we really wanted to do something more than just watch a movie. So Chelsie and I spent an hour or more trying to come up with a plan. We finally decided to take a trip to the Bean Museum on BYU campus because she had never been. We had a lot of fun doing imitations of the animals. At one point Chelsie and Sam were trying to be polar bears and the guy that worked at the museum was very entertained and kept smiling. After the museum we went to go find a secret spot that Chelsie's sister told her about. Well we succeeded. We found the secret cave! It was a lot of fun! I think Chelsie and I think of some good ideas!

The Girls of B-38

I have the best roommates! They are some of my best friends. I could not ask for 5 better girls to live with. We have such a fun time together no matter what we are doing. Our apartment is definitely full of laughter 90% of the time! It is just a fun environment and I am going to miss all of them when the semester is over and summer starts.