Thursday, February 24, 2011


Whoever thought of the idea that in order to make sure that your students actually learn you need to sit them down and give them questions that they have to answer. Even worse, why did they decide that these would determine what your grade in the class would be. Welcome to the world of test taking. Where you study forever and still don't get the good grade that you were hoping to get. Why this world exists....I have no clue. I think it exists to torture students to run around and worry about it all week. I wish there was another way to assess your learning so that you do not have to fry your brain.
On the other hand I love the feeling after you are done with a test. It always feels so good to have it finally done. Its like a huge weight that is lifted off of your back.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Formal Night

Last weekend had to have been one of the best weekends I have had this school year. To start off, Friday night the amazing men of the BYU 8th Ward told all of the girls to dress up in our formal dresses. They took us to a church in Orem. When we pulled up to the church immediately a group of boys walked up to our doors, opened them, and then escorted us inside to our places at our table. They served us dinner and Ty Trejo (fellow 8th warder last year) played the piano in the background as we ate! Afterward the boys danced with us as well as served us ice cream. To top the night off, right before we were about to leave they brought us each a tulip.
I truly am so grateful for the amazing men that are in my ward. I felt like a princess. Amber Pickering and I kept saying how amazed we were. We were treated like royalty and the boys were perfect gentlemen! Sometimes I wish that life was like that more often. I love dressing up, but when you put that with a formal night where the women do not have to cook I am the happiest person ever!

The boys outside our apartment waiting to drive all the girls!

What amazing service!

COOKIE!!! (Which was extremely delicious by the way)

My amazing escort Garen Murray and I

The beautiful princesses of B-13

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Value of Life

Today has been an interesting day for me. I have just been realizing that even though you think that life is going to go a certain way, sometimes it doesn't always happen the way you plan. I know that sounds silly because it is something that I have been told over and over my entire life, but the light bulb finally went on! Life is about learning and taking experiences and moments and learning from them. No matter what the situation is, there is always something that can be learned from it. Even in the hardest times there is a lesson to be learned. No matter what the lesson is it is something that is important for you. Every relationship, death, or just small trial happens for a reason. So dont get down on life. It is all worth it. Even if it doesnt turn out how you expect it to, it might turn out even better.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I Love This Kid!

One of my best friends ever got surgery about a week and a half ago. It has been hard for me because he is trying to recover and that there is nothing that I can do because he is in Panguitch and I am here in Provo. The best I can do is talk to him everyday and make sure that he stays sane. :) I did see him last weekend and he kept seeing and saying extremely random things! It definitely kept me entertained!
The two of us have been friends ever since we were in 2nd and 3rd grade. Our moms are best friends which immediately made us friends. Honestly there have been so many times in my life when I have been having the worst day, and somehow I cheer up when I talk to him. We have definitely seen each other at our best and worst. There have been moments when I have really wanted to punch him in the face, especially for leaving me stranded in the middle of the mountains :) After everything is said and done though we have still stayed very close! He truly is an amazing person and I would not trade any of my memories with him for anything.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blast from the Past

So today in my Music class I was reminded of an experience I had in high school. For everyone from Panguitch all I have to say is the word "fainting" and you will immediately know what I am talking about. No I did not faint in class but there was a girl that almost did. We were all standing in a circle doing an activity and she told our professor that she needed to sit down. She looked super pale, almost like a ghost. As I was watching her lie down on the ground I couldn't help but think if that is how pale I looked when I fainted. I can only imagine what everyone was thinking. I am glad though that I can now provide a way for people to look back and laugh! Every time I think about that experience all I can do is smile and laugh about how I was known as the "girl who fainted". :)

It is funny how random moments from your past seem to find their way back to you sometimes. No matter how much you try to forget...they just keep coming back. I guess the moral to learn today is Make Good Memories!!! Make sure that you live life so that when those random moments that remind you of what you have done in life, that you will not regret it!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Don't let life pass you by!

Ok so I am sitting here waiting for class to start and just thinking about life. I have realized that lately time seems to be going by extremely fast. I got to work this morning and realized that it is already February of 2011. I feel like not very long ago I was still in elementary school waiting anxiously for recess so I could go outside and play. Where does time go? How did I end up here at BYU? How am I already done with two and a half years of college? Somehow I have ended up where I am! I have some of the best friends that anyone could ask for. I live in the most amazing ward where there is never a dull moment. My roommates are the BOMB!!! We all keep each other very entertained and smiling!

Not only here in Provo, but I have some amazing people in Panguitch also that have helped me become who I am. I don't know how they did it, but somehow my parents raised me! They had to deal with a lot of crap, but I think I turned out alright. My sisters are very close to my heart especially. All three of us have been best friends all of our lives. Throughout everything we have always stuck together. I think that the hardest thing for me since I have moved away has been being away from them. I miss our late night sister talks and the nights when we would get out the glow-in-the-dark lipstick! My little brothers are just as amazing though. Even though they are crazy little boys I love them with all my heart. My favorite is when Cameron calls me and leaves me a voice mail saying "Alyssa, this is Cameron. Will you call me back as soon as you can". I don't know why but something about hearing your five year old brother say that is extremely cute!

Time flies by. Dont miss the opportunities you have now to make memories for later! Someday you want to be able to look back on your life and have a whole ton of memories that will make you smile and say "I have lived a good life"